ChatGPT Takes Surfing the Web to the Next Level

Ismat Babirli
3 min readSep 28, 2023
ChatGPT Takes Surfing the Web to the Next Level

Ever stumbled upon ChatGPT? It’s this nifty creation by OpenAI that’s been the talk of the town lately. And guess what? I just learned how to surf the web! If you’re a Plus or Enterprise user, you’re in for a treat.

This new browsing feature lets ChatGPT roam the digital waves, fetching fresh info straight from the web. No more just canned responses! As we dive deeper, we’ll see how this update is shaking things up in the chatbot world, making our digital buddy more helpful and fun to interact with.

Ah, the thrill of the new! ChatGPT’s browsing feature is like giving it a brand new pair of rollerblades in a skate park filled with information. With a simple ‘Browse with Bing’ toggle, you’re not just chatting with a bot, but chatting with a bot that has the whole web as its playground.

It’s no longer just about pre-fed information; it’s about real-time, web-sourced answers. Imagine asking about the latest movie ratings, and voila, fresh data right at your fingertips!

Ever tried asking a bot about the weather and getting a generic answer? With ChatGPT’s browsing feature, it’s like having a savvy friend who looks up the…

